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Denali Investments, Inc.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Denali Investment’s Finds $22,300 in Extra Tenant Improvements for Client

Assisting with lease negotiations for our client, we recently were able to negotiate an additional $22,300 in unplanned tenant improvement dollars from a retail landlord.  After reviewing the lease for our client’s new space, we recommended several changes to the contract that would be more favorable to the client—a few changes made and agreed to by the landlord could conceivably save our client tens of thousands of dollars in the future.  But above that, we were able to convince the landlord—a large sophisticated professionally managed national real estate investment and development company—to grant our client additional tenant improvement dollars up-and-above what had already been granted in the original lease.  We were able to do this because we had the insight to realize that some of the improvements the landlord was going to complete in the lease space were just going to be torn out during subsequent tenant construction.  Instead, Denali was able to get those extra dollars—$22,300—given to our client for her to use as she wished building-out her future business.  This was “free money” for our client to use!  Want to learn more?  Contact us today…via email or phone.

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